I don't know about your kids but my kids love to read. I mean LOVE to read. So, it's been a challenge being in a country without a library. That's why we love our Kindles!
It's been harder to find quality books that are not junk. I thought I would share some good ones we've read.
Viking Adventure Series
This is a great Christian book series. My kids really liked these books and thought they were really exciting.
My daughter really likes the "Humphrey" series which are books whose main character is a hamster. Often there is a lesson to be learned.
The Mouse with the Question Mark Tail by Richard Peck was another book recommended by my daughter.
The Case of the Purloined Professor by Judy Cox is another cute book about mice.
The Boy on the Wooden Box by Leon Leyson is a really good book written by someone who went through the Holocaust himself. Depending on how sensitive your children are, you may want to read this with them. It really is an inspiring book about how people can persevere through the most difficult times.
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