Well, we are back to homeschooling again! I found this great website: windowkids.com
We use it to pray through the countries in the 10/40 window. It makes this more fun and there are other activities on the website that the kids can do as well.
I'm trying to include more creative writing activities and projects to go with the novels that we are reading for school. So far, my daughter has read Dumpling Days by Grace Lin, which naturally leads to a lot of interesting writing activities and projects on Taiwan. This is not included with Sonlight but was a great book to include while we are learning about the Eastern Hemisphere. Some examples of things we did were: writing about our trips, writing a recipe, writing about the religious beliefs, practicing Chinese calligraphy and watercolor painting.
My son is reading Henry Reed, Inc. and I found this website that has some interesting ideas to go with that book. http://www.emporia.edu/libsv/wawbookaward/winners/winner60-61.html
So, any new ideas that you want to use this homeschool year that you want to share?
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